What is ROSA

The Register of Outdoor Safety Auditors (ROSA) is an incorporated society that provides representation, advocacy, coherence, support, and direction to professional outdoor safety auditors.

ROSA has existed since 2004 and has been influential in developing outdoor safety auditing in New Zealand.  Our members developed the initial OutdoorsMark audit programme, and several have been involved in developing and implementing the Adventure Activities Regulations 2011 and its associated audit standard, scheme, and exemplars.

ROSA’s role is to:

  • Hold a register of competent and qualified outdoor safety auditors.
  • Provide training, mentoring, assessment, and moderation for qualified outdoor safety auditors, aspiring outdoor safety auditors, and technical experts.
  • Advocate and negotiate with stakeholder organisations.
  • Provide an audit tools and process that enables ROSA auditors to provide independent outdoor safety audits.
  • Promote our members’ capabilities, which include safety auditing, safety consultancy, accident investigation, and technical expert services.

ROSA auditors assess whether an operator’s safety plan conforms to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.  They hold recognised safety auditing qualifications, comply with the ROSA Code of Conduct, and are currently auditing in the sector.  Their auditing skills are based on significant outdoor experience and a nationally recognised high-level qualification or equivalent that is relevant to a specific outdoor activity.

Associate auditors audit under the supervision of a ROSA auditor and are mentored to complete the New Zealand Certificate in Recreation (Safety Auditing).

In summary, ROSA is a professional association that sets and maintains quality standards of safety auditing in the outdoors sector. 

Stu Allan

Code of Conduct

  1. To act professionally, accurately, and in an unbiased and impartial manner.
  2. To adhere to the requirements of the health and safety legislation and other relevant legislation, regulations, guidelines, codes, and good practice standards.
  3. To consult experts in all areas of safety audits outside my range of expertise.
  4. To declare any conflicting or competing interests and to disclose any relationship that may influence my judgement.
  5. To avoid promoting or representing any business interest which I’ve an interest or may have an interest, while conducting audits.
  6. To discuss or disclose any information relating to an audit only when required by law or when authorised by my client.
  7. To refuse any inducement, commission, gift, or other benefit that may influence my judgement.
  8. To be honest and avoid communicating false or misleading information that may compromise the integrity of my audit.
  9. To respect participant and staff rights during the course of an audit.
  10. To only act in ways that enhance the reputation and integrity of ROSA and the outdoor safety auditing profession.
  11. To follow ROSA administration processes, including using a ROSA-generated audit number and paying a fee to ROSA for each document audit and each field audit.
  12. To cooperate fully with any inquiry in the event of a complaint about my performance as an auditor, or any alleged breach of this code.

Complaints policy

Occasionally, difficulties and misunderstandings arise.  Discussion between the two parties will resolve most issues.  Some issues may need to be dealt with more formally.

Complaints could stem from the following sources of unresolved issues:

  • A ROSA applicant who has been declined registration.
  • A ROSA registered member.
  • A ROSA associate member
  • A ROSA member’s client.

Process steps

  1. A complainant must commit their complaint to writing.
  • Writing includes email.
  • ROSA must encourage verbal complainants to resolve the issue themselves if possible.
  • If the parties cannot resolve the issue themselves, complainants will be encouraged to submit their complaints in writing.

    2.  Any member of ROSA may receive a complaint.

  • The member must copy the complaint to the whole of ROSA membership.
  • A ‘complaints committee’ will be formed consisting of at least three ROSA members.
  • The committee will hold a special meeting (or a teleconference).
  • The committee will request any additional information that it requires.
  • The member who received the complaint will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and indicate to the complainant when the committee will consider it.

    3.  The Complaints Committee meeting (or teleconference) will formally consider the complaint.

    4.  The Complaints Committee will respond in writing to the complainant.

  • Note:  ROSA's complaints policy doesn't affect a complaints right to take the matter to other agencies such as the Human Rights Commission if they are not satisfied with the ROSA Complaints Committee's action.

Becoming an Auditor

ROSA intends to establish and maintain the highest possible standards within its membership and the auditing work undertaken by its members.

To help achieve this outcome, the process of joining ROSA is as rigorous as practicable without being too rigid. It is readily attainable by those applicants who meet the criteria.

Potential applicants should contact the Secretary, to express their desire to join ROSA.