What ROSA provides

ROSA consultants can:

  • Advise on how to write a safety management plan
  • Review your planning documents
  • Advise on how to rectify any nonconformities found during an audit
  • Review your safety culture
  • Train you and your staff on safety


  1. Auditors conduct a compliance audit.  They can only provide general advice that is in the public domain, that is, they cannot provide specific solutions to safety problems or nonconformities.
  2. Consultants advise.  They cannot consult and then audit, unless at least one year has passed since the consult, and they’re qualified to audit.

ROSA Consultants

Stu Allan - stu@activevoice.co.nz, 021 209 3984

Hugh Barnard - hugh@hughbarnard.com, 027 281 9868

Fiona McDonald - fmcdonald@clear.net.nz, 027 733 1100

Tarn Pilkington -elcapitarn@xtra.co.nz, 027 644 4432

Mark Smith - mark@horizons.co.nz, 021 2233121

Mark (Budgie) Woods - budgie@peaksafety.co.nz, 021 555 904

Mike Pennefather - mike@adventuremark.co.nz, 021 292 9090

Other Resources


This is the adventure tourism and commercial outdoor recreation sectors’ site.

It has information on safety management systems, activity safety guidelines (ASGs), legislation, and relevant resources.

A link to a WorkSafe safety management plan template and a guidance document can be found at: www.supportadventure.co.nz/safety-management-plans/writing-your-plan/sms-templates-and-forms